
My name is Laia López Reig. I’m 15 years old and I’m from Artesa de Segre, the best village in the world. I was born in Barcelona in 2004. I live with my parents and my little brother, Arnau. He’s the person I trust the most in my life, he’s so important to me.

The story is called “The advice that made me feel safe.”  This happened the summer of 2009, when I was in a camping with my family. The day of my 5thbirthday I got an advice from my father that I will never forget. I was trying to ride my bike and I fell. My knee was full of blood and I thought I would never ride a bike again.

My father said to me that if I want something in my life I never have to give up and that I have to be positive and continue trying and falling. This day I learnt how to ride my pink bike!

This is one of the stories that made me the person I am now and I will always think about my father’s words.

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