My name is Giulia and I was born on 18th February 2004. I’m Romania, but I came to Spain when I was 6 months old and since that day I’ve lived here.

In my life I have gone through many situations that I would like to highlight, because they are personal subjects that define who I am.

One of them is about making up my mind. When I was a child I wanted to live in Romania and go to school there, but it wasn’t possible. Nowadays, I want that too, but with the years I have realised that it’s better for me to stay here, in Spain, due to the economic resources that there are here, but not there.

Another important situation in my life was the death of my grandfather. As a result of that, I have realised that I must spend more time with my grandparents and my family as I can only see them a few days of summer a year.

And the last thing I want to explain is the loss of a good friend. From that I have learned I should be careful in who I trust and with who I am.

So, from these 3 experiences we can learn that life isn’t always what we want, but it’s what it’s better. Also, that we have to appreciate more the people who love us and who care about us. And, the last one is that in life nothing lasts forever and people come and go, so we must keep going on.

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