Hello everybody and welcome to our English blog! 👋

This blog has been created with the idea of helping students to review at home the topics they are working on in the English classroom. So, here, you will find some material that is being used in the classroom, other material that will be useful to reinforce their linguistic skills and some information related to activities that have been developed.

We hope you enjoy it!

Murder on the Orient Express

What an interesting novel! These weeks we’ve been reading Agatha Christie’s masterpiece Murder on the Orient Express. It’s an intriguing book that breaks all your moulds of who can be the murderer. It has kept students on the edge of their seats until the end! As you can see below, students have designed amazing covers for their reading dossiers. If you haven’t read it, then it is a classic crime novel and you should give it a chance.


2nd_ I am lucky because…

During this last week of the second term, we have been doing several activities about St. Patrick’s in the English class.

Second-graders did an activity that involved Arts and Crafts and English. Students thought about what makes them feel lucky, and they wrote some sentences about them and about what they have. They had a lot of ideas!

Here you have some examples:


4th. Easter word hunt

Taking advantage that today was the last session of the term before the Easter break, we played an Easter word hunt. We’ve been looking for different flashcards to practice some Easter vocabulary. It’s been hilarious and competitive!

English Day 2024: Saint Patrick’s Day

El passat 18 de març vam celebrar l’English Day a l’escola. Aquest any la temàtica ha estat Saint Patrick’s Day. Cada comunitat va dur a terme diferents activitats i tallers relacionats amb aquesta festivitat. Va ser un dia en el qual el green colour va estar molt present i ens va portar molta sort. Els Leprechauns ens van premiar amb monedes de xocolata per haver-ho fet tan bé! Podeu veure un recull de les activitats en el següent vídeo.

5th & 6th. Saint Patrick’s Day

As it’s usual in our school, we’ve celebrated the English Day. This year we’ve focused on Saint Patrick’s Day. 5th and 6th graders have done different challenges prepared in a Genial.ly presentation. Moreover, they have done a workshop, run by the company Jumping Ducks, in which they have been musical actors and actresses for an hour. You can see the result in the following video.


Dear families,

In the elective subject Having fun in English of 3r d’ESO, we’ve read the books of the English best-seller Heartstopper written by Alice Oseman. This book has been extremely important to talk get in touch with English expressions, grammar and vocabulary we’re learning and also, to talk about the importance of respect others sexual identities. As you can see, they have created posters about the three books and their writer!