During unit 3 students of the 6th level have been learning about recipes and food. As a final project and after practicing with the vocabulary and some structures to explain a recipe, they created their own and presented them in front of the class. To finish with, we gathered all of them in a document to be able to cook them at home.

Look how delicious they are and what amazing cooks we have in the school!

Do you dare to cook any of them?

Here you can look at the recipes.

Here you will see pictures of them presenting.



Durant la unitat 3 els alumnes de 6è han estat aprenent receptes i aliments. Com a treball final d’unitat i després de practicar el vocabulari i estructures per explicar una recepta, han creat les seves pròpies i les han presentat al davant de la classe. Per acabar, hem recollit totes les receptes en un document per poder-les cuinar a casa.

Mireu quines receptes més bones i quins cuiners tant increïbles tenim a l’escola!

T’atreveixes a cuinar-ne alguna?


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