Tornem… Comencem projectes en anglès.

Acabem de tornar de les vacances de Setmana Santa i ja estem a tope: comencem a fer-nos preguntes per triar els projectes del tercer trimestre. Aquest trimestre seran en anglès.

Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que van sortint… el proper dia triarem.

  • How did the dogs form?
  • What do we have inside our body?
  • Metals: uses and characteristics.
  • Why do humans exist?
  • Why does the furit oxidate?
  • Why do the snakes have so much venum?
  • Does the Megadolon still exist?
  • Why are there monarchies?
  • How do the tsunamies form?
  • Atmosphere
  • What is the hardest material on earth?
  • What happened before the Bif Ban?
  • How do the quemical reactions work?


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