Sortida d’I5 a Can Mates

Amb motiu del projecte de classe, els tobogans, el grup d’infantil 5 anys de l’escola hem anat al parc de Can Mates a Sant Cugat.

Hem fet una petita excursió pel turó. Quan hem localitzat els 7 tobogans gegants, hem reconegut els tipus, les seves característiques, hem experimentat l’electricitat estàtica, hem comprovat la facilitat que suposa accedir a un tobogan inclusiu,etc.

En definitiva, hem observat moltes de les coses que hem treballat aquest temps i hem gaudit d’un dia esplèndid al parc de Sant Cugat.



Gingerbread Men Cookies 2nd Graders

After reading the Gingerbread Man story, the second graders immersed themselves in the rich vocabulary and the diverse characters that bring the Gingerbread Man tale to life. They also had fun reciting the song: “Run, run as fast as you can….”, and participating in shopping role plays where they needed to buy the necessary ingredients for baking gingerbread cookies and interactive games that reinforced their oral skills. 

The final adventure was the cookie-making session where families joined in the fun. A warm thank you to all the families who supported and collaborated in this enriching experience, without your support, such engaging activity would not be possible. 

Click on the image below to see pictures about the cookie-making and other Gingerbread Man English sessions.



Yesterday, the school became an airport with its own travel company, Pérez Sala Airlines. The 6th graders were the flight crew and they guided all the tourists to their destinations.  

Students from “I3” to year 5 went through different stages. The meeting point was where they met their families ( Smith, Taylor… etc). Then, they got their suitcases at the reception desk. At the checking point, they bought their flight ticket with a credit card. After that, the families had a souvenir photo taken of the moment in the photoshoot at each destination. Next, in the waiting room, pupils painted the flags of each destination and finally, at the end of the day, each family took their flights where they enjoyed the experience of traveling with our captains and flight attendants of the Pérez Sala airline. 

It was a great and successful day where the whole school community was involved. A big thank-you to all the students and teachers for making our English day possible once again. And a special thank-you to the 6th graders who’ve worked very hard and thank-you to the families for sharing a little bit of your time with us.

Here you can find some photos from the day.

Enjoy the journey!