ART & CRAFT (Activitat 4) /23-Abril-2020/: SAINT GEORGE

Good morning!

Today is Saint George and it would be great if you create some crafts to give to your family.
So today you are going to do Art & Craft instead of tomorrow; and tomorrow you are going to do English activities.

I have prepared some craft ideas for you to do.
Remember that if some of the materials that I use you don’t have them, you can be creative and use different ones.
And you can decorate them to your liking!

When you finish your creations, I suggest you:

  • Take a selfie with your family and the craft you have done to them.
  • Take a photo of yourself with the craft and a funny face!

Upload the photo to your Drive folder, I want to see them!

If you want more craft ideas, you can go to the Blog of 3rd Grade.

Click the image of the dragon to watch the video.



Bon dia!

Avui és Sant Jordi i seria genial que fessiu algunes manualitats per regalar a la vostra família.
Osigui que avui fareu plàstica enlloc de demà; i demà ja farem activitats d’anglès.

He preparat algunes idees per vosaltres.
Recordeu que si alguns dels materials que utilitzo no els teniu, podeu ser creatius i fer servir altres materials.
I podeu decorar-les al vostre gust!

Quan acabeu les vostres creacions us proposo que:

  • Us feu un selfie amb la vostra família i la manualitat que els hi heu regalat.
  •  Us feu una foto vosaltres amb la manualitat fent alguna cara divertida!

Pugeu les fotos a la vostra carpeta de Art & Craft de Drive, que les vull veure!

I si voleu més idees de manualitats, podeu anar al blog de 3r!

Cliqueu la imatge del drac per veure el vídeo.


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