Erasmus Days celebration 2023

‘Erasmus Days’ celebration 2023

Our school celebrated last Tuesday the 10th, its first ‘Erasmus Day’ by organizing a great morning festival, where the students performed different plays, sang lovely songs and danced brilliantly. Everything was in English in order to commemorate this wonderful European celebration included in the Erasmus Accreditation 2021- 2027.

All the Erasmus values ​​were present. We spent a fantastic time, we laughed and enjoyed a lot.

In the afternoon, a great British company came to represent a funny play.The artists invited us to participate and be part of the play. It has been very enriching and fun!

The play was titled ‘Wild, wild, west’. We have become Indians and cowboys rowing on the same side in order to find a thief.

Celebrations always are a good way to learn. We made Europe shine and Guillem Fortuny school bright!


L’escola ha celebrat aquest dimarts dia 10 el seu primer ‘Erasmus Day’ organitzant un gran festival matinal, on els/les alumnes han realitzat diferents obres de teatre, han cantat i ballat i tot en llengua anglesa commemorant una celebració europea inclosa dins l’Acreditació Erasmus 2021-27.

Tots els valors Erasmus hi eren presents. Hem gaudit, hem rigut i hem passat una gran estona.

Per la tarda hem vist teatre, teatre del bo, on els/les artistes(britànics) ens han convidat a participar i a ser part de l’obra. Ha estat molt enriquidor i divertit!

L’obra es titulava ‘Wild, wild, west’. Ens hem convertit en indis i vaquers que remaven al mateix costat per tal de trobar un lladre.

Les celebracions també són part de l’aprenentatge. Hem fet brillar Europa, hem fet brillar l’escola!

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