Science in English

In the second term, the students from 5th and 6th grade have done a science unit in English.

The 5th grade students have learnt about the Solar System and in the PE classes we have acted out the Earth’s movements. With the 6th grade students, we have studied the Ecosystems and have carried out activities such as a mutual dictation or a dictogloss.

Click on the following picture for some photos about the activities.



Do you want to play a kahoot game?

Hello families!!

In the English class, the students from 6th grade created a kahoot game. In this game you have to answer fifteen questions about famous people (they can be dead or alive), jobs and professions, present or past simple. We invented the questions and each four answers in small groups but later we played it individually.

Everyone in the class had a good time making and playing the game.

If you want to play this game, click on the image and write a nickname. Enjoy it!!


By 6th grade students




L’alumnat de Cicle Mitjà anem al teatre!

El passat dimarts 18 de febrer l’alumnat de Cicle Mitjà van anar al teatre de l’Amistat de Mollerussa a veure l’obra de teatre: Young Arthur. Prèviament, a les sessions de llengua anglesa els nens i nenes ja havien treballat el vocabulari i les cançons de l’obra. Aquest fet va facilitar la comprensió de la representació, en la qual van poder-hi participar molt activament.

We enjoyed a lot!!!


The European day of languages comes to school

The 26th September we celebrated the day of European Languages at our school.

We decided a sentence to explain the different languages we have at school. The sentence was “We all speak different languages and we understand each other” and we wrote it in Italian, French, Romanian, Chinese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Spanish and Catalan.

The students from P4 to 5th grade came to see the mural and listened to our explanations.

Thank you for reading our article!

By students of 6th grade

Click on the picture to see the photos!

Strange Mammals

During this term 6th level students have worked with descriptions. The topic has been “Strange Mammals” as a part of the natural science project. We’ve chosen really strange mammals and we’ve looked for information on the internet. We had a scaffolding to follow all steps to write a great description.

By clicking the names, you can read and learn about the Maned wolfarmadilloNasaris Larvatusflying squirrelmulti – colored squirrelPalla’s catfennecsea horse, narwhalkinkajoujerboa, Palla’s catPatagonia marathe giant Indian squirrelthe manatee, and the karacal.

Here you can see the pictures while we were working. We’re very proud of our productions and very happy to share it with all of you. Next term we’re continuing our task with Endangered Animals.

6è English Day

El divendres 11 de maig, els alumnes de 5è, vam anar al pavelló de Mollerussa al 6è English Day. És una activitat organitzada pels mestres d’anglès del Pla d’Urgell. Vam fer una  gimcana de 9 activitats en anglès com per exemple: Photocall, Karaoke, Questions and Answers, Pass the word, Escape, Painting T-shirts…

En acabar les activitats vam ballar la cançó de la Meghan Trainor “Better when I’m dancing” que prèviament havíem assajat a l’escola. Més tard, ens van entregar els diplomes amb el nom de cada alumne.

Va durar tot el matí, després vam dinar al parc i vam tenir temps lliure per a jugar i divertir-nos. A l’hora de marxar vam anar amb els alumnes de Miralcamp a l’autocar i ens van cantar una cançó molt xula.

Quan vam arribar a l’escola, vam jugar a jocs del pati.

Ha estat un dia divertit i entretingut. Ah! I hem practicat molt l’anglès.

Equip de redactors de 5è.

(Cliqueu sobre la imatge i podreu veure el recull de fotografies del dia)

Saint Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig), is celebrated on March 17 each year. It is the feast day of Ireland’s patron Saint, Patrick (Paddy in Irish). It  is celebrated in Ireland and all over the world by people of Irish heritage. It has become a celebration of Irish culture.

It is said that Saint Patrick convert most Ireland to Christianity and with this act he drove the snakes from the island. One of the most important symbols of Ireland is the shamrock, or three-leaf clover. Patrick used the shamrock to help people understand God (the Sacred Trinity).

On this day Irish people wear green clothes and shamrocks. Many cities all over the world have parades on their streets. They also eat a traditional Irish meal of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and soda bread.

Other symbols of Irish culture have also become associated with Saint Paddy’s Day – like the leprechaun. A leprechaun is a magical “fairy” from Irish folk tales. It is said if you can catch a leprechaun he has to give you his pot of gold (usually hidden under a rainbow).

Cicle Superior students’ have worked about this tradition in the English Class. We have done a quiz working in small groups and then we have made a nice card to remember this day.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Christmas time! Let’s make crackers.

Christmas crackers are part of Christmas celebrations in the United Kingdom.
Christmas Crackers that are used today are short cardboard tubes wrapped in colorful paper. There is normally a Cracker next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table. When the crackers are pulled – with a bang! – a colorful party hat, a toy or gift and a festive joke falls out!
Today we’ve done our Christmas crackers. We’re ready for holidays!
Mery Christmas everyone!

6th level students.