9th English Day

This year the 6th graders of our school have participated in the 9th English Day of Pla d’Urgell.

Like last year, they have enjoyed the different activities in our school and in some of them, we have interacted with another school like in the ones called “Guess the sentence” and “Karaoke”. They have also used English as a means of communication with other students as well as they have had a great time.

Click on the photo if you want to see us participating in the English day.



National Parks in the USA

During two weeks the students from 5th and 6th grade have learned about National Parks in the USA.

Our language assistant, Stefanie, has explained us how many parks there are and which are the most important. We have also learned about the geographical features, animals or activities to do.

We have done different tasks such as a brainstorming, reading a presentation and finally we made a brochure about one of the national parks in groups.

Click on the following picture to see the activities, photos and some examples of the brochures we made.

Celebrating Christmas with Stefanie

This year we have enjoyed a lot the previous days of Christmas with our language assistant Stefanie.

She has explained us how American people celebrate these special days, their traditions, the typical food they eat and vocabulary related to Christmas.

We have also told her what we do these days, how we celebrate it and explain her our traditions like  “el tió”. If you want to see her and the students of 6th grade with our “tió” click on the following picture.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!!

Stefanie, our language assistant

Last month, in October, Stefanie arrived at our school. She is from the USA and she’s working on our pronunciation, learning american culture and all the works we do in class.

She helps us in 4th, 5th and 6th grade and we enjoy a lot all the information she tells us about the USA, festivities like Halloween or Christmas, typical traditions, food, sports …

She will be with us until May 2022 so we hope to improve our our English skills and at the same time enjoy her presence at our school.

Welcome Stefanie!!

Click on the Usa flag to see some photos of Stefanie in our school.


My Balcony is my Little Forest – eTwinning Project

During the third term we have done more activities related with our eTwinning project.

We have made some online meetings to communicate with other members of the project joining the Twinspace’s chatroom. We have also made seed balls and we have even planted two oak trees near Salt del Duran. To encourage nature respect we have recorded a song and a spot. We like them very much and we hope you like them too!

As it’s the end of the project children from all the schools have participated in a Thinglink  giving a message to the rest of the world and we have made a farewell video.

It has been a great experience and it would be wonderful to repeat it in the future.


8th English Day

Every year our school participates in the English Day that is celebrated in Pla d’Urgell.

This year was the 28th of May and due to the current situation, it was carried out in our school with the students in 6th grade. We did many activities and games like pictionary, run and guess, escape park or a craft. We also connected virtually with other schools to sing songs in the karaoke task or mime some sentences using our bodies.

Finally, we all danced a flashmob and got a certificate for participating in that funny day.


Our project song to save the planet

Students from 4th degree would like to invite you to find out what we can do to help the planet in this positive song. All of us can make small changes that can contribute to save the world where we live.
We have shared our song with students from other countries in our eTwinning project and we also wanted to share it with all of you.
We have enjoyed very much singing it and we hope you like it very much!


Pretty Ritty

The last week we have celebrated “La setmana del conte”.

The students form 5th grade have participated in this special week by acting out the well-known play “Pretty Ritty”.

We had to read the play, study the characters, take care of our pronunciation, prepare the clothes,masks… And look for the perfect location to record our play.

After some rehearsals we were ready to record and share it with all the students from the school

My Balcony is my Little Forest – eTwinning Project

Students from 4th degree are participating in an eTwinning project with schools from other countries like Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Italy. The project is called “My Balcony is My Little Forest”  and it is very interesting. Our primary goal is to raise nature-friendly individuals who protect living beings and respect the life rights of other creatures.

During the project we have taken the responsibility of growing plants and observe their growth stages.  We have also made terrariums, spend a day in the nature  and drawn our favourite trees.

We have shared our  experiences and productions with the students from other countries and that was very motivating.

During the third term we will participate in more activities.

You can see the result of some of the activities in the following link: