Students of third grade reviewed different topics like weather, months, clothes and days of the week with a very special gamification: they played Among Us in the class!!

They were very engaged and worked very hard to kick out the impostor from the school! They had so much fun!


With our project we have learned how to describe different landscapes using specific vocabulary about landforms like: river, mountains, lake, streams, hills, valleys… different adjectives and prepositions of place.

As we have become experts on landforms, we have played a special game! Do you know the game “Who is who”? Well, we played it in our special way, and we called it “Where is where”!

In groups we described a photo of a landscape as accurately as we could, and our classmates had to guess which was our photo! We had lots of fun!

3r – POP ART – OPTATIVA (Setmana 15 de juny)

Bitmoji Image

3rHello everybody!!!

Aquesta és l’última activitat del curs!

  • Aquesta última setmana farem una activitat relacionada amb el projecte que es porta a terme des de tutoria POP ART!
  • És una proposta de la qual demano NO demano un retorn.

1) We call it art! – Es tracta d’escoltar la següent cançó i aprendre’n un trosset! Quan l’hagueu assajat, em podeu enviar un àudio o vídeo cantant-la a: english@gdl.cat

Si ho necessiteu, podeu activar els subtítols!

Us deixo també la lletra de la cançó (lyrics) amb una mica de vocabulari!

3rd – We call it art – lyrics

Qualsevol dubte que tingueu no dubteu en comunicar-me’l!

Us desitjo un molt bon estiu!

Hugs and kisses ❤️,


Teacher Berta.