Milk art in 3rd grade

Here you are a cool experiment you can do at home. It’s very simple but I recommend you to use whole milk. The main reason is because the fat in the milk makes the experiment work.

You just need cotton swabs, dish washer, milk and food coloring. You first have to fill a plate with milk.  Soap causes the molecules of  fat to move. Colors combine in different ways and the effects are very beatiful!

Try to do it at home using other types of milk. Compare then the results with different types of milk: almond, cow, rice or coconut. Does it work?

Experiments in 4th grade

Volcanoes are a chemical reaction and  that is what we tried to do in class. We made a model of a volcano using modelling clay, baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring.

That was an exciting experiment! We could see how he chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar made the ‘colorful magma’ come out. 

We combined one base ( baking soda) with one acid (vinegar). That forms an acid called carbon dioxide. It looks like magic!


El so: l’ecolocalització

Un so és qualsevol sensació que rebem a través del sentit de l’ oïda per la vibració dels cossos propagades per un medi, que normalment sol ser l’aire.  Es transmet a través de les ones.

L’eco es produeix quan les ones sonores xoquen contra un obstacle i hi reboten. Alguns animals com els dofí i la ratapinyada es comuniquen mitjançant l’ecolocalització. Aquí teniu un vídeo sobre l’ecolocalització. Que us ho passeu molt bé!