Year 3 students are studying the animal kingdom and we love doing experiments, so we have made ocean in a glass pot! We have used little stones, artificial plants, shells… and we have also made our own sea animals with plasticine. Finally, we have recreated the sea with coloured water. And the result is amazing! What can you find at the bottom of the sea? Let’s see!

Els/les alumnes de tercer estem estudiant el regne animal i ens encanta fer experiments, per la qual cosa hem fet un oceà en un pot de vidre! Hem utilitzat pedretes, plantes artificials, caracoles…i també hem fet els nostres propis animals marins amb plastilina. Finalment, hem recreat el mar amb aigua acolorida. I el resultat és sorprenent! Què podeu trobar al fons del mar! Vegem-ho!

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