Happy Saint Patrick’s day!

Hello everybody!

Last Saturday (March 17th) was Saint Patrick’s day. A really important and funny day for Ireland and the Irish. In the School we also had in English class special activities and between all the students we made the wall paper. Shamrocks, a Leprechaun, a big pot of gold, a rainbow… We had everything for our Irish green day!

“May your pockets be heavy, your heart be light. May good luck find you each morning and night. May you have all the happiness lit can hold. May all your rainbows end with a pot of gold!” (Irish blessing)

El passat dissabte (17 de març) va ser el dia de Sant Patrici. Un dia molt important i divertit per Irlanda i els irlandesos. A l’escola, durant les hores d’anglès vam fer activitats especials i entre tots els alumnes vam poder fer el mural. Trèvols, un Leprechaun, una olla plena de monedes d’or, un arc de sant Martí… Ho teniem tot pel nostre dia verd irlandès!

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