2nd Online meeting with Italy

Hi families,

As you know, we have been working in groups for a few weeks on the topic of landmarks. This is one of the activities we are doing in our eTwining project with Italy in which we are learning about social sciences and using the language in a real context.

The first step was to analyse and describe some natural and human-made landmarks. Then we researched, collected and selected information about different landmarks in our country and region. We also prepared some visual aids and presentations to explain our work during the meeting.

Last week we had the opportunity to do a discovery tour of a part of Italy while our partners did a presentation of some of the most important places in their country and we were able to do the same. The meeting was divided into two parts, the first half was together and some students presented our work and organisation. We then split into different small groups to present the sites and ask our partners questions.



Bones famílies,

com sabeu, feia unes setmanes que treballàvem en grup el tema dels llocs emblemàtics i momuments. El primer pas va ser analitzar i descriure algunes fites naturals i fetes per l’home. Després hem investigat, recollit i seleccionat informació sobre diferents punts de referència del nostre país i comunitat i hem preparat ajudes visuals i presentacions per explicar el nostre treball durant la reunió.

La setmana passada vam tenir l’oportunitat de descobrir Itàlia mentre els nostres socis presentarven alguns dels llocs més importants del seu país. Nosaltres també vam presentar els nostres.

La reunió es va dividir en dues parts, durant la primera meitat vam estar junts i alguns alumnes van presentar el nostre treball i com ens havíem organitzat. Després ens vam dividir en diferents grups petits per presentar els llocs i fer preguntes als nostres socis.