
Hi families!
In the ​​English area and related to the classroom project, the second grade boys and girls have been working on the parts of a smoothie recipe. We watched different recipes and we did different activities such as games, songs, challenges,… to learn new vocabulary… Llegeix més»

Activitat de Rugbi

Hola, famílies,
Ahir dijous 18 d’abril vam poder gaudir d’una activitat de rugbi a les pistes d’atletisme. Vam tenir l’honor de rebre la classe de part d’uns jugadors de rugbi de Sabadell. Ells ens van ensenyar molts aspectes interessants d’aquest esport i van obrir així el… Llegeix més»

Easter hunt!

Hi families!
In the English area and for the last two weeks we’ve been working on the Easter topic. Everyone made their own bunny bag being so creative. Then, we went on an egg hunt around the garden. Finding the chocolate eggs wasn’t an easy task,… Llegeix més»