English: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Hello families,

We worked on the food topic in our last project. We discovered the food vocabulary, the use of “like” and “don’t like,” the food pyramid and its groups, and the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. We worked on the development of the four English skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), especially focusing on the listening and speaking skills.

Hem treballat en el tema del menjar en el nostre últim projecte. Hem descobert el vocabulari de l’alimentació, l’ús de “Like” i “Don’t like”, la piràmide dels aliments i els seus grups i la importancia de mantenir una dieta saludable. Hem treballat en el desenvolupament de les quatre English skills, posant especial èmfasi en l’escolta i la parla. 


Food Vocabulary

Food pyramid (1)

Food pyramid (2)


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