4th grade

Now, let’s practise time in English.


What time is it?

Look at the clocks, say the time and test yourself. After 5 seconds you can check your answer. 

Are you ready?





1 comentari

  1. Unknown

    Hello Olga. I'm Inas.I'm Nine years old. I go to school at half past eighth. On Friday we've got math at nine o'clock. At ten o'clock we've got english. After English we've got a break at eleven o'clock. After break we've got Spanish at half past eleven. After Spanish we go home. After go home (lunch time) we go to school. We've got values at three o'clock. 🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕟👋👋👋👋👋 Bye bye Olga thank you for your attention!!!!👩‍🏫🇬🇧🇬🇧👧 By Inas💓💓👩👩

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