
Our pupils of 5th grade became chefs, at least, for one day. They wrote recipes and then they prepared them at home. Their mums and dads helped them and recorded the videos.

Thanks to all for your effort.  Here you can see the videos. Enjoy them!

1. Elia, Paula, Ingrid and Firdaous prepared a delicious CHOCOLATE CAKE.

2. Aitana, Candela C., Martina S. and Martina V. made  FUN PANCAKES. Yummy! (And they invited Paula to taste them)

3. Eric and Saber prepared a complete meal: SALAD, POTATOES AND CHICKEN BATTER. A good idea for your menus!

4. Dani, Iker, Sasha and Sira cooked wonderful SAN JACOBOS. 

5.  Roger, Unax, Marc and Ferran prepared some PIZZAS.

6. More PIZZA. These are prepared by Alejandro, David, Adrian R. and Manuel.

7. And now a bit of green. Raul, Eidan and Aaron preapared a full SALAD.

8. Marc, Alex and Dylan made CUBAN STYLE RICE.

9. Júlia, Issam, Diego and Biel cooked a delicios PIZZA.

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