Hi, pupils of 6th grade!

In this activity you have to match pictures with descriptions. Read carefully and decide which girl is wearing what.

Tell in a comment what are your matches.

20 comentaris

  1. Aura

    Hi! I’m Aura, and this is mi santences:
    Number 1 letter D
    Number 2 letter H
    Number 3 letter G
    Number 4 letter B
    Number 5 letter E
    Number 6 letter F
    Number 7 letter A
    Number 8 letter C

  2. Unknown

    Hello Dolors i'm Eloi M.
    My answer is: The girl 1 with the lyrics D.
    The girl 2 with the lyrics H.
    The girl 3 with the lyrics G.
    The girl 4 with the lyrics B.
    The girl 5 with the lyrics E
    The girl 6 with the lyrics F.
    The girl 7 with the lyrics A
    And the girl 8 with the lyrics C.

  3. Dolors

    HI, pupils of 6th level!

    As most of you say, the answers are: A-7, B-4, C-8, D-1, E-5, F-6, G-3, H-2.

    Congratulations to all who solve the activity!

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