Hello pupils of 5th grade,

You have a new challenge! And this time it’s quite easy.

Read the descriptions and tell me in a comment  who are these girls (For example : 1 is Estela, 2 is…)

And if you want to  play and practise a bit more, here you will find a memory. Click on the picture. You can also tell me how many turns you need to complete all the pairs.

31 comentaris

  1. Montserrat

    Hey dolors i'm laia 5éA♡♡Lucy is number4 ann is number1claudia. Is number6 jenny is number 3 mary is number2 and estela are number 5 godbye Dolores see you in school❤❤●●♧♧♧♡◇♤¥☆☆☆☆

  2. Zakaria

    Hello! My name is Zakaria, in the answers is, colour green is number 4,her name is Lucy, colour blue is number 1, here name is ANN, colour red is number 6,her name is claudia, colour purpel is number 3, her name is Jenny, colour pink is number 2, her name is Mary and the last one is colour yellow is number 5, her name is Estela.


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