Hi pupils of 6th grade,

Today you are going to watch a video. Alex is with his friends, Elena and Cory, and they are talking about themselves. Elena is funny, Cory is shy and Alex is… Well, Alex is Alex.

After watching the video, write in a comment three sentences comparing two of them. You can use some of this adjectives: fast – slow – tall – short – old – young…

23 comentaris

  1. Eric Q.

    Hi my nace is Eric Q.My comparisions are:
    Alex is older than Lina.
    Alex is taller than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Lina is younger than Alex.
    Alex is slower than Cory.
    Cory is shorter than Alex.
    Alex is Bigger yuan Cory.

  2. Tomàs

    Hello Dolors, I'm Tomàs and these are my sentences:
    Alex is taller than Curley.
    Curley is faster than Alex.
    Helena is younger than Alex and Curley, she is the youngest.

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