Good morning girls and boys!

How are you? Here we have new English activities for this week to keep learning the ROUTINES.

Bon dia nenes i nens!

Com esteu? Avui us porto noves propostes en anglès per aquesta setmana per continuar aprenent les RUTINES.

Activity 1: My quarantine routine -La meva rutina en quarantena-

This week I want you to explain me your quarantine routine (you can review the vocabulary from the last week). You should do a Power Point and add pictures, photos and a sentence explaining what are you doing. If you don’t have access to a computer you can do the slideshows in a paper, writing and drawing your daily routine. Here you have my quarantine routine as an example. -Aquesta setmana vull que m’expliqueu la vostra rutina de quarantena (podeu repassar el vocabulari de la setmana passada). Heu de fer un Power Point i afegir imatges, fotos i una frase explicant el que esteu fent. Si no teniu accés a un ordinador, podeu fer les diapositives en paper, escrivint i dibuixant les vostres rutines diàries. Aquí teniu la meva rutina de quarantena com exemple.-Click Here Button - Free image on Pixabay

You can send me your Power Points to patriciagil@emarquina.cat.Podeu enviar-me els Power Points a patriciagil@emarquina.cat.-

Have fun and enjoy! -Diverteix-te i gaudeix!-

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