Good morning girls and boys!

How are you? Here we have new English activities for this week to keep learning the COLOURS.

Bon dia nenes i nens!

Com esteu? Avui us porto noves propostes en anglès per aquesta setmana per continuar aprenent els COLORS.

Activity 1: Story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” -Conte “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”-

Listen and watch the story. Click the image. – Escolta i mira la història. Clica a la imatge.-

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Livre audio | Bill Martin ...

Activity 2: Colour hunt -Caça de colors-

After watching the story you have to hunt the colours you have at home. You have some examples here. – Després de mirar el conte has de caçar els colors que tinguis a casa. A continuació tens alguns exemples de com pots fer-lo. –

I See Something Blue - Super Simple Songs Color Scavenger Hunt | Teaching Every Day Category: Experiences A Color Scavenger Hunt Game for Kids! - Oh Joy!

Activity 3: Sing “I can sing a rainbow” & draw. -Canta “I can sing a rainbow” i dibuixa-

Listen the song I Can Sing A Rainbow. Then, draw and paint a beautiful rainbow. Click the image. – Escolta la cançó “I can sing a rainbow”, després dibuixa un preciós arc de sant Martí. Clica a la imatge.-

I can sing a rainbow - BBC Teach

You can send me your pictures doing the activities to patriciagil@emarquina.cat.Podeu enviar-me fotos fent les propostes a patriciagil@emarquina.cat.-

Have fun and enjoy! -Diverteix-te i gaudeix!-

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