5è i 6è van al TAG a veure “Around the world in 80 days”

Hola famílies de 5è i 6è!

Avui 8 de novembre de 2023, tot l’alumnat de i ha anat al Teatre Àngel Guimerà a veure l’obra “Around the world in 80 days“, que prèviament han treballat a l’aula.

Han repassat i après nou vocabulari, expressions i sobretot, s’ho han passat molt bé amb les cançons i interpretacions de les actrius.

Aquí us deixem unes quantes imatges i un petit video de l’obra.

                                                                                                       Les mestres d’Anglès



This is Archie’s World!

Els alumnes d’infantil de P4 i P5 aprenen i gaudeixen amb Archie, la titella que sols sap parlar en anglès. Archie i els seus amics han vingut a ensenyar anglès als nens i nenes de l’escola!
Aquí teniu algunes fotos dels primers… Llegeix més»

The Pied Piper of Hamelin – Fourth Graders’ theatre play!

Hi families!

During the last two terms, all the pupils in Fourth grade have been working on a theatre play called The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Here, you’ll find the final result of their effort, as well as a short video with some of their best bloopers and a few pictures of the making off. Enjoy!








Fourth Grade: Interdisciplinary Projects

Hi there families!

As you might already know, this year Fourth Graders have been doing an interdisciplinary project based on their class’ names, that they have chosen according to films they like. Hence, now 4thA is “Up”, 4thB is “Home Alone” and 4thC, “Jumanji”.
Next, you’ll find the links to the videos where they talk about their class’ name and what those films are all about. We hope you enjoy them!

4thA: Up’s class

4thB: Home Alone’s class

4thC: Jumanji’s class

5th goes to the theatre: Fearless John!

Hi families!

Yesterday, 4th May 2022, Fifth graders went to Teatre Àngel Guimerà to see the play Fearless John. It was very fun and entertaining and they had a fantastic time!

In class we had previously talked about the play, its plot, main vocabulary and characters, as well as listened to some of its best songs! Here we attach you a short video of its funniest parts!

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!