Acaben les Jornades Culturals! -Cicle de Grans-

Benvolgudes famílies,

Entre aquest dilluns 13, dimarts 14 i finalment avui, dimecres 15 de juny, hem celebrat a l’escola les Jornades Culturals, que aquest any han anat sobre la Ciència Creativa.

Així, tot l’alumnat ha participat en diferents tallers guiats per mestres del Cicle i en els que han pogut fer moltíssimes activitats: construir i programar un cotxe amb Lego, dissenyar amb Canva, fer un coet que s’ha enlairat, fabricar sals de colors, muntar una catapulta, aprendre a fer servir una brúixola feta a mà, etc… Ha estat una aventura!

Aquí us deixem un recull de fotos i també un petit vídeo que esperem que us agradi.

Els i les mestres del Cicle de Grans.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin – Fourth Graders’ theatre play!

Hi families!

During the last two terms, all the pupils in Fourth grade have been working on a theatre play called The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Here, you’ll find the final result of their effort, as well as a short video with some of their best bloopers and a few pictures of the making off. Enjoy!








Fourth Grade: Interdisciplinary Projects

Hi there families!

As you might already know, this year Fourth Graders have been doing an interdisciplinary project based on their class’ names, that they have chosen according to films they like. Hence, now 4thA is “Up”, 4thB is “Home Alone” and 4thC, “Jumanji”.
Next, you’ll find the links to the videos where they talk about their class’ name and what those films are all about. We hope you enjoy them!

4thA: Up’s class

4thB: Home Alone’s class

4thC: Jumanji’s class