The Moomins – Episode 5

EPISODE 5 – THE HATTIFATTENERS (Nyoronyoro’s Secret)

Our friends have forgotten to tie their boat up in the storm and are attacked by hordes of electrified Hattifatteners, who want their sacred barometer back. Swimming about after the storm Moomin and Snorkmaiden find the most exciting things brought by the storm, but the most exciting find is undoubtedly made by Snufkin.

The Moomins – Episode 4

EPISODE 4 – THE DESERT ISLAND (Welcome to Ghost Island)

Moominfamily and their friends set out for adventure in their new sailboat, and finally arrive at a seemingly uninhabited island. It is, however, populated by some very strange creatures whom Hemulen has an unpleasant encounter. A terrible storm hits the island and they decide to stay over night, pulling up the boat as far as she will go and taking refuge in their tent.

The Moomins – Episode 3


Moomin and his friends go mountain climbing, encounter a very depressed Hemulen, sunk in gloom because his stamp collection is finally complete and he has nothing more to collect. They learn from him about a sailboat wrecked on the beach. They start repairing the boat, hoping to sail the seven seas. Deciding to start collecting plants instead. Hemulen gets over his depression, and they all go for a trial sail.

The Moomins – Episode 2


The magical Hat, which the Moomins tried to get rid of in the first episode, reappears, it got stuck on a sand bank in the river, which has turned to raspberry juice. Moomin recovers the Hat and hides it in the cellar, wanting to have a constant supply of juice. Little My drops a piece of string into the hat, hoping it will turn into spaghetti. However, the string turns into something quite different.

The Moomins – Episode 1


Spring has come to Moominvalley, and Moomin and his family come out of their winter hibernation. Up in Lonely Mountains Moomin, Snufkin, Sniff, and Little My find a large top Hat, which they bring home. Too big to be worn they use it as a waste paper basket, but it is a Hat of magical qualities, and anything thrown into it changes into something completely different.

The Little Red Hen – Musical

Us deixem el musical que vam realitzar les quatre escoles de la ZER Les Vinyes dins de la Jornada Temàtica d’Anglès que es va dur a terme el passat 15 de desembre a Marçà.

Aquí podeu gaudir de la versió editada del musical The Little Red Hen. Llegir més»