This 3rd term in the English class we’ve been working on the landscape project🌲🏞. This time, we’ve done it mostly using technology and new apps. For that, we used a webquest using Google Sites, specially created by the teachers for this project. Here you have the webquests for each school:

Students have chosen a landscape in the surroundings after doing a brainstorming with the Jamboard app. Then, they have been looking for specific information about the landscape as well as photos, music, videos, etc. With all this information, they wrote an essay description of the place using the Padlet app.

Check this pictures and the links attached to find out what a Padlet looks like. You can see an example of some of the Padlets from each school. They look great, they made a good job!

Afterwards, they created a QR code to access to all this information. When it has been able, we have hung the QR all over the village so as to share the work with the citizens and families. Here you have the result.

Finally, for the assessment evaluation, we created through the Socrative app, a quiz where they could show all their knowledge about the landscape topic.

We all enjoyed and had fun through learning!👏👏


English Teachers Maria and Teresa.

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