Let’s make “panellets” with the English teachers

Hi everyone, last Tuesday we celebrated “la castanyada” in the school. As always, we made delicious “panellets” with all the kids, but this time we made them through English. To do so we first learnt all the ingredients, and then we went step by step talking in English following the recipe. At the end,  the oldest ones in the school were able to explain the recipe perfectly well in this language. After that, we played a gymkhana. We had to dress up “la castanyera” looking for the clothes and complements hidden in the school.

Finally, we ate the panellets and chessnuts all together with the families.

What a lovely day!!

Hola a tots, el passat dimarts vàrem celebrar “la castanyada” a l’escola. Com sempre, vam fetr uns  panellets boníssims amb l’ajuda de tots els nens i nenes, però aquest cop els vàrem fer en anglès. Primerament vam nombrar tots els ingredients, i després vam anar pas a pas conversant seguint la recepta. Al final, els més grans de l’escola van ser capaços d’explicar perfectament cóm fer panellets en anglès. Tot seguit hem fet una gimcana. Hem hagut de disfressar “la castanyera” buscant la roba i els complements amagats per l’escola.

Finalment, ens hem menjat els panellets i les castanyes tots junts amb les famílies.

Quin dia més bonic!



Last Friday the three schools of la ZER met at “Sport Natura” to celebrate the autumn meeting. This time it has been a bit different because we also celebrated Halloween together. The English teachers at la ZER prepared a gymkhana with different games very suitable for this festival:”Bobbing for apples”, “The magic potion”, “Ghost bowling”, “Halloween Charades”, “Ghost sack race”, “Zombie eye toss” Spiders and Pumpkins Tic-Tac-Toe” and many others. The youngest ones enjoyed making a Halloween bat craft.

The gymkhana had a plot: A wicked witch has kidnapped Hansel and Gretel. They are her prisoners in a haunted house…. The children had to find them. To do so, they were organized in different groups and went from one place to another enjoying the games. In order to move forward they had to solve a riddle. At the end, all together, they had to sort out  where Hansel and Gretel were hidden. We all had a great time!


El  passat divendres les tres escoles de la ZER ens vam reunir a “Esport Natura” per celebrar la trobada de tardor. Aquesta vegada ha estat una mica diferent perquè també hem celebrat Halloween tots junts. Les mestres d’anglès de la ZER vàrem preparar una gimcana amb diferents jocs molt adients per a aquest festival: “Bobbing for apples”, “The magic potion”, “Ghost bowling”, “Halloween Charades”, “Ghost sack race”, “Zombie eye toss”, “Spiders and Pumpkins Tic-Tac-Toe” i molts altres. Els més petits van gaudir fent una manualitat de ratpenat de Halloween.

La gimcana tenia una trama: una bruixa malvada ha segrestat Hansel i Gretel. Són els seus presoners en una casa encantada… Els nens els havien de trobar. Per fer-ho, es van organitzar en diferents grups i anaven d’un lloc a un altre gaudint dels jocs. Per avançar havien de resoldre un enigma. Al final, tots junts, van haver d’esbrinar on s’amagaven Hansel i Gretel. Tots ens ho vam passar molt bé!



Last week we welcomed spring with different activities in English. On the 17th of March we celebrated St. Patrick’s day. We found out about the story and legend around him, we played different games to learn new vocabulary and we finally did a kahoot  We… Llegeix més»


This 3rd term in the English class we’ve been working on the landscape project🌲🏞. This time, we’ve done it mostly using technology and new apps. For that, we used a webquest using Google Sites, specially created by the teachers for this project. Here you have… Llegeix més»

Fantastic friends

This term, in the English class, the students of upper cycle learnt how to talk about their friends. They practiced different skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing. They learnt to describe the physical appearance and also what they like doing together. They practiced some structures such as verb “have got” in 3rd person, verb to be and also the present continuous to describe what are they are doing in a photo. And this is a little sample of the final result.
You can click down here to see the different presentations.They enjoyed choosing different designs with canva app.
They did it very well!!

Fantastic friends (CLICK HERE)


El passat 19 de novembre l’alumnat de la Zer vàrem amar una vegada més al teatre de l’Escorxador a veure una obra de teatre en anglès. Aquest cop ha estat “FRANKENSTEIN” de la companyia IPA PRODUCTIONS. Prèviament a la classe d’anglès vam treballar l’obra de diferents maneres i vàrem aprendre les cançons. Tots els nens i nenes esperaven amb molta il.lusió aquesta sortida. Els actors ens varen fer riure molt i tots nosaltres vam poder interactuar amb ells.
Aquí teníu un recull d’alguns dels moments divertits de l’obra així con una mostrá del treball preví realitzat a classe.