El dia 20 de febrer les classes de CI de Vilanova de Segrià, CI +3r de la Portella i E.INF+CI de Torre-Serona van gaudir d’una jornada cultural molt bonica i profitosa, començant assistint al ballet del conte musical Pere i el llop, de S.Prokóvief a l’Auditori Enric Granados,  la qual la recomanem a tothom. I després vam poder gaudir de la visita guiada de la Casa dels Gegants. … Llegeix més»


Com ja sabeu a la nostra escola, donem molt valor a l’Educació emocional. Avui volem compartir una activitat amb vosaltres que ens va emocionar a tots plegats.
Com diu l’autora del llibre “La joia interior”, l’Anna Llenas, quan naixem tots tenim una joia interior, la nostra… Llegeix més»

Fantastic friends

This term, in the English class, the students of upper cycle learnt how to talk about their friends. They practiced different skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing. They learnt to describe the physical appearance and also what they like doing together. They practiced some structures such as verb “have got” in 3rd person, verb to be and also the present continuous to describe what are they are doing in a photo. And this is a little sample of the final result.
You can click down here to see the different presentations.They enjoyed choosing different designs with canva app.
They did it very well!!

Fantastic friends (CLICK HERE)