Aquest curs a la nostra ZER hem tingut l’oportunitat de fer Chess and English (Escacs i Anglès), un programa educatiu per a nens i nenes amb l’objectiu d’ensenyar “Anglès com a llengua estrangera” a través dels escacs. Aquesta classe ha estat divertida i alegre i els nens han après les bases dels escacs i a la vegada han treballat la seva concentració, lògica, habilitats socials i presa de decisions.

We played motor games, we did arts and crafts, read cartoon stories, listened to songs and chants, we sang them and of course, we played with chess pieces.
It has been an exciting educational experience and we had good fun!!

Make a mini water cycle

These days we are learning about the water cycle in the English class. We made a very easy water cycle experiment ourselves. It’s simple and very easy to do at home too. We could see condensation drops of water on the top of the cling film and that the water level lowered proving that evaporation took place. The condensation droplets are the clouds. They fell back into the bowl and we found out that some of the water was now in the cup (the mountains) demonstrating precipitation! Here you can see how we made it.