Lector del mes

Des del passat mes d’abril, llegir té premi a l’Institut de Caldes de Malavella. Aquí teniu la foto amb els guanyadors del “Lector del mes” d’abril i maig. Tots dos guardonats, que han rebut un diploma i un val per comprar-se un llibre, són de la tutoria de 1r B. Enhorabona Iu i Alexis!

Durant el proper mes de juny coneixerem el darrer “Lector del mes” del curs 17-18.

Excursion to the theatre

Last Friday, 17th of March, we went to the Municipal Theatre of Caldes to see a play. There we met three English students who were performing around Catalonia. The show was  about the life of a student who is bullied. The main character always plays the same part, but the other two change their roles depending on the scene. The performance was very funny and the actors interacted a lot with the audience, like asking for volunteers. Also, they spoke an understandable English, so you could follow the plot without problems.
