Our pen pals’ letters have already arrived !

The students of 1st ESO and English teacher Sara Vallès have been waiting a long time for the letters of our eTwinning Italian pen pals, but finally last week we received them! So these days the different courses of 1st ESO have been reading them. Everybody is happy to learn about their traditions!

May the 9th: European Day with Penpals in acción

Last Monday 8th of May the classes of 1st ESO D and 1st ESO E made a videoconference via Meet with an English class from IC Regina Margherita located in Avellino, near Napoli. These last months we have been exchanging letters with them thanks to the eTwinning project “Penpals en acción” and it is always exciting to put names to the ones we have been writing.
We had some technical problems but the experience was worth it! Have a great European Day with eTwinning !!.

eTwinning: Penpals en acción

When the 1st ESO students returned from Easter, letters were waiting for them from the Italian students within the international eTwinning project where the Spanish and English subjects are involved.

The different 1st ESO year groups have been reading them these days. In addition, we have also been writing the second letters explaining the Easter traditions and the letters are ready to be sent!

Celebrem la Pasqua

Des de la matèria de Religió de 1r d’ESO enguany hem celebrat ja la Pasqua d’una manera avançada i amb l’alegria de poder celebrar-ho plegats.
Així, amb aquest motiu de celebració, hem decidit de fer dues mones, amb tots aquells elements que els i les alumnes… Llegeix més»