Students’ online meeting for the e-twinning project Our digital stories

Tuesday January 9th will become an important date for the e-twinning project Our digital stories, since the first students’ online meeting was held. It was quite an interesting meeting during which we could explain them what the project was really like. We considered it outstanding to let them know some crucial messages. We told them that writing and reading were essential parts of their learning process. We encouraged them to get the most of their writing skills.

From now on they will have to follow some steps to organise their stories in groups. They will have to choose the kind of story they will be writing about, and discuss the best way to do it.

Likewise, students from the four different high schools (institut Dertosa, institut Roquetes, Ekonomsko-birotehnička škola from Slavonski Brod Croatia, and a school in Balıkesir, Türkiye) made an interesting speech about their own schools and cities. They could also play a kahoot game.

The project will definetely be a success! Let’s go!

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