Projecte interdisciplinari en anglès

Bridges of understanding és un projecte interdisciplinari ideat per a treballar el text narratiu, l’expressió oral, la competència digital, així com donar a conèixer la diversitat d’alumnat de l’institut per tal d’anar creant vincles d’interès. Gaudiu dels diàlegs i dels vídeos!

Welcome to “Bridges of Understanding,” an English project to uncover the rich cultural diversity that defines Dertosa High School. In this project, we explore migration stories, weaving together the threads of our students’ diverse backgrounds, experiences, and heritage.
At Dertosa, we believe in the power of storytelling to forge connections and cultivate understanding. “Bridges of Understanding” is not just a project; it’s a chance to celebrate the mix of cultures that make up our high school. Migration stories are narratives about the experiences and journeys of people moving from one place to another. Through these stories, we want everyone to see how great it is to have lots of different backgrounds in our community as well as connect hearts, minds, and souls.

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