International Day for European Authors (1)

On 21 March, an outstanding literary event was held at our school library in order to commemorate the International Day of European Authors. German and English teacher Emigdi Subirats wrote a screenplay in Catalan called Diversos són els homes i diverses les parles (Diverse are Men who speak different languages), through which students honoured the leading 20th century writers in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Galician, Occitan, Basque and Catalan literature. He also included the five main men of letters of our Ebro Lands.

At the end of the event the students raised a cartolin with different colors in which the name of the main 20th century authors had been written. It was the best way to achieve a visual effect to pay tribute to those writers who have enriched European literature. Some of the students recited and read prose mainly in Catalan, but also a poem in English, German, French and Spanish, who were accompanied by student guitarrist Pau Antolí.

The students of Literary Creation, together with their teacher Rosa Alegre, had prepared the readings consciously. The German high school students also attended the event, and designed the colourful final action. Some of these students have also taken part in the e-twinning project Our digital stories, so they have followed quite a lot of literary learning this term. Just wonderful!

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