Workshop weeks: taller de “Robotics”

The future is here! Robotics workshops at our high school.

How do you build a robot? How many motors do you need? How do you make it go forward? and make it turn? Our students have learned how to do these and many other things! Lego Mindstorm has been the tool that the students have used, and in small groups they have solved many challenges like if they were real engineers! And on top of all, in English!

El futur ha arribat! Tallers de robòtica a l’institut

Com es construeix un robot? Quants motors es necessiten? Com el podem fer moure endavant? Com el fem girar? Els alumnes de l’institut han après d’aquestes coses i moltes més! Han fet servir l’eina Lego Mindstorm, i en petits grups han resolt els reptes com si fossin enginyers i enginyeres. I a més a més, en anglès!