Workshop weeks: taller “Girls who rocked the World”

Gender equality has been an important issue in our culture, but there’s still a lot to be done!

In these workshops we learned about several great women in history, their achievements and the obstacles they had to overcome to reclaim their rights as women. We played a game, discussed and presented their stories. And we did it all in English!! They are sure an inspiration to us all!

La igualtat de gènere ha anat guanyant terreny en la nostra cultura social. En aquestes sessions, hem fet un recorregut per les vides de les grans dons de la història, remarcant referents femenins i destacant tant els seus èxits com els obstacles que han hagut de superar per reivindicar els seus drets com a dones.

Hem fet tot això i més, de forma amena, i en anglès!!