Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Races

Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Races
The week from 27th February to 3rd March, from the Department of Foreign Languages at INS Pere Borrell, we recreated a typical and ancient English tradition which is held in the UK right on the day before Ash Wednesday: Shrove Tuesday, which originally established the first day of lent. This old custom consists, first, in cooking pancakes –prepared with eggs, milk and butter– and then doing races with a frying pan with which they have to toss the pancakes. The participants should also wear some kind of disguise. And there you have it: the so called Pancake Races.
We didn’t cook any pancakes at all, instead we used some non-eatable substitutes, but we did take advantage of the occasion to practice some English, run races, tossing pancakes with the frying pans and have a good time.

“Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Races”
La setmana del 27 de febrer al 3 de març des del departament d’anglès de l’INS Pere Borrell vam recrear un típica tradició anglesa que se celebra al Regne Unit justament el dia abans del dimecres de cendra: el Shrove Tuesday (que seria com el Dimarts de confessió) i que originalment marcava l’inici de la quaresma. La tradició consisteix en coure pancakes –els pancakes són com una coca prima a base d’ou, llet i mantega, semblant a les crepes– i després fer curses fent saltar les pancakes de la paella. I a tot això se li suma una disfressa. El resultat són les Pancake Races (curses de coques).
Nosaltres no vam coure pancakes, vam utilitzar uns substituts no comestibles, però sí que vam aprofitar l’estona per practicar anglès, fer curses i fer saltar les coques de paella en paella i passar una bona estona.