The Catalan team is cheaking the seeds that growing. Because of the floods of last week, we lost some seeds. Now, it’s time to replant and keep using the vegetable garden.

The students of primary school are doing a great job with the garden.

Alumnes de Cicle Mitjà treballem a l’espai RODA de “natura i acció”.


Saturday 18th January.

The end of the first mobility of students. Aquest article està dedicat a totes les famílies d’acollida que durant una setmana van tenir un “fill” o una “filla” més a casa seva. Gràcies per la vostra generositat, per dedicar el vostre temps lliure portant-los amunt i avall, per modificar els vostres horaris, els vostres àpats…

Gràcies per viure l’experiència a tooopeee!


Yesterday part 2: We visited the eco-social vegetables gardens of Navàs. Jordi, who’s working for the Town Council, explained us very useful information that we can take into account for our project. We learnt about food sovereignity, ecological vegetables, farming in Catalonia, the importance of buying local productes to reduce our footprint… We met Conxita, a woman who has got one of those vegetables gardens. Thanks to Jordi, Conxita and the Town Council of Navàs for being part of the project Erasmus+