En aquest apartat podreu veure fotografies i vídeos de l’àrea de llengua anglesa.


GEP PROJECT around food

The students of 4th grade have studied in the framework of the GEP project a part of the Natural Science curriculum related to food. We have analyzed healthy and unhealthy food, tried to classify the food in different categories, part of the food pyramid and think which food we eat more often or never. We have also learned to describe the food in terms of tastes: fresh food, frozen food, smelly food, etc. Students’s final product is creating a  menu in cooperative groups and a role -play ”At the restaurant” where they will use the menu to order food.

Here you have some photos of the process and we will also post some videos of the role-plays. Just keep updated…



Hello famílies,
durant la setmana de St Patrick’s els vostres nens i  nenes han gaudit moltíssim de les activitats executades a English.
Ens ha vingut a visitar un Leprechaund que no ha parat de fer entremaliadures… alguna cosa ens volia dir… I de sobte; ha desaparegut!! 🙄
Aquestes… Llegeix més»


Hello famílies,
durant la setmana de St Patrick’s els vostres nens i  nenes han gaudit moltíssim de les activitats executades a English.
Ens ha vingut a visitar un Leprechaund que no ha parat de fer entremaliadures… alguna cosa ens volia dir… I de sobte; ha desaparegut!! 🙄
Aquestes… Llegeix més»