Welcome to SoleriGenéWartS !!!

Welcome to SoleriGenéWarts! 
We love Harry Potter! Themes and storytelling are perfect for bringing some magic to our Science lessons. So, let’s have a look to our School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! We invite you to discover SoleriGenéWarts!!! Explore the  castle, its rooms and also fly around… Llegeix més»

Science: Electrical circuits

Durant part d’aquest trimestre, els alumnes de sisè hem treballat el tema de l’electricitat a l’assignatura de Science. Mitjançant la llengua anglesa hem dut a terme activitats AICLE que integren llengua i contingut: jocs comunicatius, experimentació, lectures…Tot això, ens han permès aprofundir sobre el tema… Llegeix més»

We love cooking!!!

Learning to cook in English can be great fun. Have a look to the delicious recipes that our students have prepared. They have been working on food vocabulary, verbs, connectors… Also they have been asked to write down their favourite recipes and then, shared them… Llegeix més»


Here you can see all the activities and crafts we have done during the week.
Ghosts, magic brooms, bats, pumpkins, Haunted houses and also our goodie  bags.

We are ready for Halloween!!! What about you???