English workshop: winter landscape watercolour

In our English class we are still working the winter. Today we have created a winter landscape using winter colours. We have used watercolour and a white cardboard to make our creations.
We have made a good job and we liked a lot to paint using… Llegeix més»

English workshop: winter night landscape

During the last sessions in English class we have been working the winter: what we can see in winter, the winter colours, the winter weather, the winter landscapes…
Today we have created a winter night landscape using black cardboard, white chalk and our fingers to blur… Llegeix més»

Symbolic game

This school year our kindergarten students are having a symbolic game session each week. We have different corners where children can play and develop different roles: the kitchen’s corner, the supermarket’s corner, the workshop’s corner, the transport’s corner, the animals’ corner and the family’s corner.
These… Llegeix més»

English workshop: daily routines and speaking games

Every English class we start working all together through an assembly. This way we work the days of the week, the seasons, the months, the weather and who is or isn’t in class. After that, we always work English vocabulary and grammar through speaking games.… Llegeix més»

Maths corners games

Here you can see an example of the maths corners games, we play with numbers and colors to identify the spelling and the quantity. Where is the same number? Let’s play with the pairs game!!

Maths corners games

Let’s make geometric shapes with plasticine, what an amazing yellow star! Can you find all the differences? This is a good cognitive strategy game.

Maths corners time!

Les propostes de l’espai matemàtic ens inviten a desenvolupar la motricitat fina, l’organització espacial i a través de la robòtica ens iniciem amb el pensament computacional, que ens permet organitzar una seqüència per solucionar un problema.



Inici de curs musical

Començant amb l’activitat musical:

Hem recordat cançons de la Castanyada i hem experimentat amb diferents sons dels instruments virtuals.