Great Maths corners

Durant aquest tercer trimestre hem estat realitzant diferents racons de matemàtiques en llengua anglesa amb els més petits i petites de l’escola i s’ho han passat d’allò més bé manipulant, contant, creant, classificant…explorant tot allò que ens ofereixen les matemàtiques d’una manera vivencial i divertida.
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Què hi passa, al formiguer?

Aquest matí hem descobert a travès del conte ” Sóc una formiga” on viuen, què mengen i com es comuniquen les formigues.
Desprès, durant l’estona de minimons, hem pogut observar i jugar amb la rèplica d’aquest insecte tan petit però a l’hora complex i ens ho… Llegeix més»

Dalí i els somnis

Avui hem estat treballant a l’artista gironí Salvador Dalí. Hem descobert i après sobre el surrealisme i el significat dels somnis. Ens ha agradat tant la seva obra que ens ha servit d’inspiració per crear-ne la nostra pròpia amb aquarel·les!

English Workshop: FRUIT STICKS!

Our students love cooking and eating goodies, that’s why today we have decided to realize a new recipe.

We have been working how important is to eat healthy and during the playground time our breakfast is always fruit. This is the reason that today we have made fruit sticks.

To make our fruit sticks we have used bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples and apricots.

It was delicious! So yummy!


English workshop: SPRING FLOWERS!

Today in our English class we have painted some beautiful flowers to celebrate spring season.
We have used paint, brushes and the cardboard from the toilet paper. The teacher has cut the cardboard giving different shapes and children have used it to stamp and… Llegeix més»

English Workshop: The Pancake Race!

In our English class we have celebrated the Pancake Day. We have cooked banana pancakes and then we have eaten them. They were delicious!
After that, we have celebrated the Pancake Race. Our students had to run with a pancake in a pan and they had… Llegeix més»

English Workshop: Saint George roses

In order to celebrate Saint George’s Day, in our English class, we have been making some beautiful roses.
We have used artichokes and red paint to create the roses’ petals and with a green feltip we have drawn the stems.
We hope you like them as much… Llegeix més»

English workshop: winter landscape watercolour

In our English class we are still working the winter. Today we have created a winter landscape using winter colours. We have used watercolour and a white cardboard to make our creations.
We have made a good job and we liked a lot to paint using… Llegeix més»

English workshop: winter night landscape

During the last sessions in English class we have been working the winter: what we can see in winter, the winter colours, the winter weather, the winter landscapes…
Today we have created a winter night landscape using black cardboard, white chalk and our fingers to blur… Llegeix més»