ENGLISH- 5TH GRADE (Second Activities)

Good morning Cenutris and Robogamers! How are you getting on? Today we are going to practice two different skills: reading and writing. That means that you have to do 2 activities.

Activity 1: Read this text carefully and tick the correct answers (True or False).


Reading Comprehension 1


Reading Comprehension 1

CRITERIS D’AVALUACIÓ. Aquesta activitat l’hauràs fet bé si:

  • Ets capaç d’entendre el sentit global del text.
  • Entens les preguntes i ets capaç d’identificar les respostes dins del text.
  • Tradueixes paraules aïllades que no entenguis i no frases senceres.


Activity 2: Describe a person using between 40 and 50 words. You have to write his/her: name, age, place of residence, hobbies, favourite colour and physical description.

I have made one as an example but you don’t have to do it so long. Look:

A very important person for me

“Mary Angels is my friend and she is also a Primary School teacher. She is thirty-one years old, she lives in Terrassa but she is from Puerto de Sagunto (Valencia).

Her favourite colour is yellow and she loves travelling, painting and reading. I like to spend my time with her because she is very funny and intelligent.

She has got long straight blonde hair but she hasn’t got glasses or freckles. Her eyes are brown and big and she is also thin and tall.

If you meet her you will like her!”

CRITERIS D’AVALUACIÓ. Aquesta activitat l’hauràs fet bé si:

  • Escrius un títol i fas paràgrafs.
  • Utilitzes connectors com “and” or “but”.
  • Escrius sobre el seu nom, l’edat, el lloc on viu, les seves aficions, el seu color preferit i el/la descrius una mica físicament.
  • Utilitzes “She/He has got” per parlar del cabell, els ulls, les ulleres, les pigues, etc. Per exemple: “He has got brown hair.”
  • Utilitzes “She/He is” per parlar de l’edat, l’alçada, el pes corporal i de les qualitats internes. Per exemple: “She is intelligent.”

Recorda l’ordre:



  • Treballar la comprensió i l’expressió escrita en llengua anglesa.
  • Ampliar el vocabulari.
  • Aplicar la gramàtica treballada a l’aula.
  • Desenvolupar la competència digital.

Data límit d’entrega: 11/05/20 (dilluns vinent)

Si teniu qualsevol dubte o pregunta, contacteu amb mi: maria.escoladelboscrubi@gmail.com

Si us plau especifiqueu nom de l’alumne/a, curs i classe en l’assumpte del correu. 

Hugs and kisses for everyone! Stay strong!


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