Last week, we celebrated the English Day at our school! We had a lot of fun playing games, dancing, listening to tales, singing, etc.

The main aim of these workshops is to promote the English language, the use of the oral language among our students and the communication and comprehension skills.

La setmana passada vam celebrar “l’English day”  a la nostra escola! Ens ho vam passar molt bé fent jocs, ballant, escoltant contes, cantant, etc.

L’objectiu principal d’aquests tallers és promoure la llengua anglesa, l’ús de la llengua oral entre els i les nostres alumnes i les habilitats comunicatives i de comprensió.

If you want to see us just click on the following picture:

Si voleu veure les fotos només cal que feu click a la següent imatge:


Every Wednesday students from 4th Grade have Linguistic Corners.

Today we did an activity of Cooperative Dictation.

There were two groups: BLUE and GREEN.

Each group has dictated the vocabulary and sentences to the other one. After that, we have done the same the other way round.

Here you have a sample of their work.



Els alumnes de P4 han estat treballant molt a les classes que es dediquen d’anglès. Rrecordeu que aquestes sessions d’anglès es realitzen de forma lúdica on l’alumnat participa i aprèn aquesta llengua de manera divertida i realitzant activitats de manualitats, danses i cançons.
Per tal de… Llegeix més»