4th LEVEL WEEK 15th-19th JUNE

Hello boys and girls.
Today  we start the last week of this course so the last activities too. Iniciem la darrera setmana del curs i també les darreres activitats.


1-Play games about jobs



2-Listen to a song



3-Watch the video When I grow up



what-will-i-be-when-i-grow-up-worksheet (1)

3rd LEVEL WEEK 15th-19th JUNE

Hello boys and girls!

Last week of school before this online-course ends!

This week let’s work on the topic: Travel!

Resultado de imagen de voyage on a desert island picture

First, listen to the story:

Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:

You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.
Send them to me, please:
joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)


Dear students,

https://www.macmillaneducation.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/dig_tch_navio-1.jpgMostra la imatge original

To practice English you can also send an email to your teacher (Anaïs or Isabel) and we will send you the students access codes for the Navio application. Per tal de seguir practicant anglès podeu fer-nos un mail i us reenviarem els codis d’accés per l’aplicació Navio.

https://www.lifewire.com/thmb/mkR7ed8DYBalvSwazvJ-E-qA9FU=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/gmail-unsend-599318fd68e1a200111244db.png joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com

En aquesta aplicació podreu dur a terme tot d’activitats similars a les que fem a l’escola. Us creareu el vostre propi avatar i us durà per tot un seguit de reptes per tal de practicar tot el que hem après durant aquest curs!


4th LEVEL WEEK 8th-14th JUNE

Hello boys and girls.
We go onthis week with 2 more activities on Jobs (oficis):
1-Watch a video


2-Two worksheets:



3-Find the 6 hidden words, this time about reading, books, …
Can you find them?  (Pots trobar les 6 paraules amagades al dibuix?)

Find the six hidden words READING

See you soon, fins aviat.


WEEK 8th-14th June – 3rd level

This week let’s work on the topic: Computer games!

i play games

First, listen to the story:

Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.
Send them to me, please:
joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)



Hello boys and girls from 4th level.
We start the new month, June, with 2 new activities about jobs (oficis):

1-Watch a video


2-A worksheet

NewTiger4_U4_Extension_1 word

3- Find the hidden words in the picture ( troba sis paraules sobre l’estiu amagades al dibuix)


WEEK 1st-7th June – 3rd level

Hello 3rd Grade Kids! How are you?
This week let’s work on the topic: Time!

How To Gain Back 3,000 Hours Of Your Time In Just One Year! I ...

First, listen to the story:

Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.
Send them to me, please:
joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)


Hello June Happy June GIF - HelloJune HappyJune June - Descubre ...


WEEK 25th-31st May- 4th level (Setmana del 25 al 31 de maig 4rt curs)

Hello again my dearest estudents!

Click on the next link and you will open the activities for this week. Enyoy it!

blog 25th May 4th level

WEEK 25th-31st May- 3rd level

Hey! How are you feeling?
This week let’s work on the topic: Shopping!

Shopping cart and gift box Royalty Free Vector Image

First, listen to the story:

Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.
Send them to me, please:
joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)


WEEK18th-24th May- 4th level

(També ho teniu al blog de 4rt amb les activitats que us proposen les tutores de les altres àrees…)
Hello, Hello! How are you???

I hope you all are well.

As you are working on viruses in this project, I suggest you watch a video on how vaccines work (os proposo veure un vídeo de com funcionen les vacunes).

I help you with important vocabulary (us ajudo amb vocabulari important).

1-Have a look at the vocabulary ( fes una ullada al vocabulary)


-Vaccine/ Vaccination: vacuna/ vacunació

-Health: salut

-Shot: injecció

-Desease: malaltia

-Cells: cèl.lula

-Fight: lluitar

-Immune system: sistema immunologic

-Antibodies: anticossos


2-Watch the video (mira el vídeo)


3- Write a sentence with the vocabulary  ( escriu una frase amb les paraules del vocabulary, poden ser del vídeo)




certificate IXL 500 qüestions


WEEK 18th-24th May- 3rd level

Hi, there!
This week let’s work on the topic: Road Safety!

Resultat d'imatges per a road safety

First, listen to the story:
Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).
Finally, complete the activities:
You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.
Send them to me, please:
joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)

11th May 4th Level  (11 Maig 4rt Curs)

Hello again my dear students. How are you? You know today is Sant Anastasi, the patron saint of  the  city of  Lleida.?

For this week I give you some links where you can practice English and have fun.

Em podeu enviar resumen de preguntes respostes, temps i puntuació en el quadre següent:




Time Smartscore

Out of 100

Put the words in alphabetical order
Select the best preposition to match the picture


1-Put the words in alphabetical order


2-Select the best preposition to match the picture


En principi us deixarà fer alguns intents però per seguir jugant necessitareu un username i un password. Si no us l’he donat en un correu ja sabeu que me l’heu de demanar al mail: joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com


12th May – 3rd Level (3r Curs – 12 Maig)

Hello! How’s everything going?

This week let’s work on an amazing topic:  Superheroes!!

Resultat d'imatges per a superheroes tag

First, listen to the story:


Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.

Send them to me, please:

joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)


4th MAY- 4th LEVEL ( 4rt curs-setmana 4 de maig)

Hello everyone!

We are in May, a new month.

For this week I give you a reading. Enjoy it!!!!!

Et proposo:

1-Una lectura curteta i unes preguntes de comprensió.


2-A grammar worksheet (fitxa unitat 3)



4th MAY- 3rd LEVEL (3r curs-setmana 4 de maig)

Hey there!

This week let’s review the topic:  SPORTS.

First, listen to the story:


Then, play the game that it’s underneath (just davall).

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.

Send them to me, please:

joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)


27th APRIL 4TH LEVEL (4rt curs setmana del 27 d’abril)

Hello again. I hope you enjoy your walk yesterday. ( Espero que ahir us ho passéssiu molt bé en el vostre passeig).

Us deixo la tasca d’aquesta setmana recordeu d’enviarme-la al  correu electrònic joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com. Poseu el vostre nom.

What do you remember about the city?


1-Places in the town


2-Where’s the museum? Go straight


3-Where is the restaurant?(Asking the way)


4- Giving Directions words sentences


ACTIVITY 2: worksheet (fitxes)

Extension workshee 1: NewTiger4_U3_Extension_1

Extension worksheet 2: NewTiger4_U3_Extension_2

See you soon!!


3rd LEVEL (3r CURS) : 27th APRIL

Hi everyone!

Now, that we are with our families. Can you tell me about someone in your family?

First, listen to the story:


Then, play the game that it’s underneath.

Finally, complete the activities:


You don’t need to print them. Just copy the answers on a piece of paper or use a notebook.

Send them to me, please:

joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com (Write your name and your class)

Remember smiley | Funny emoji, Smiley emoji, Emoji love Ask me for the Navio Code if you want to practice more English.


3rd LEVEL (3r CURS) :  23rd APRIL


To celebrate Saint George’s Day let’s listen to the story and do some activities.

Now, you can play 2 games: Match the words to the pictures and put the sentences in order. Click on the link:



4th LEVEL   20th APRIL

Hello. Let’s see what I propose to you for this week.

Are you hungry? Listen to a song called Snack time and sing along.



You can play the 2 games in the same link and do the next activity:




Don’t forget to send me your work at joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com

(No oblidis enviar-me el teu treball al mail que et dono o guarda-ho fins que tornem a l’escola, ho pots fer en una llibreta, carpeta, pendrive…)

And also to ask me a NAVIOCODE if you want to work with it.

(Recorda que també em pots demanar a través del mail joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com

un codi per a treballar amb el NAVIO)


4th LEVEL   14th APRIL

Dear students I hope you are OK and looking forward to work hard. Estimats alumnes desitjo estigueu tots i totes bé i espero tingueu moltes ganes de treballar. Us proposaré feines cada setmana que podeu anar fent i enviar-me al mail joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com

For this week you can watch a video and answer the questions. Aquesta setmana us proposo veure un vídeo i respondre unes preguntes. Recordeu enviar-me les respostes i així us ho podré corregir i explicar-vos qualsevol dubte.

Coronavirus Outbreak | How to protect yourself


1-How is a coronavirus?  You can describe it and draw a picture.

2-If a person is ill with coronavirus. Complete the table:


Symtoms How can you infect other pleope What can you do to stop the virus











3rd LEVEL   14th APRIL

Let’s have fun doing a Workout with all the family!

Divertim-nos fent una mica d’exercici en família!

Library of workout kids royalty free download png files ...




4th LEVEL  3rd APRIL


Sé que la propera setmana és EASTER HOLIDAY però per si voleu fer alguna coseta i matar l’avorriment us proposo algunes activitats i jocs per distreure’ns i a la vegada repassar i/o aprendre anglès.


Easter activities

-Play an Easter word game to practise Easter vocabylary



-Complete the exercises to help you practise your English!

(Recorda que ho pots fer en un full o en una llibreta on pots anar recollint i guardant tot el que vagis fent)


-GAME: Put the alphabet in order



                                                   HAPPY EASTER!


Per cert, si voleu posar-vos en contacte amb mi, explicar-me com aneu, quines feines feu, les activitats fetes per a que les corregeixi, ho podeu fer al mail: joanmaragallenglish@gmail.com



3rd LEVEL (3r CURS)

Hello kids! Hola nens i nenes! Mostra la imatge original

I hope all of you are doing well. Espero que tots estigueu bé.

To have fun these days you can do some easter activities online. Per passar-vos-ho bé aquests dies podeu fer algunes activitats de pasqua online.

Click on this link! Cliqueu al link!


Mostra la imatge original


4th LEVEL ( 4rt CURS)

30th MARCH – 3rd APRIL

Hello everyone! How are you?

I hope you and your family are Ok.

I propose you an activity for this week. Enjoy it and Keep in touch with English.

Remember I miss you!


Listen to the story: THE GRUFFALO



Activity: You can do it on a paper, notebook… (Activitat sobre la història pots fer-la en un paper o una llibreta que et pots preparar per anar fent el que setmanalment t’aniré proposant. Recorda com ho fem a classe. Write the date (data), the title (el títol) and the exercise (l’exercici). No necessites imprimir la fitxa, ho pots fer tal com et dic en fulls o en la llibreta que hagis decidit utilitzar.
