Looking for the answers

SCIENCE- 6th level class.

Ens plantegem preguntes, busquem les respostes i les compartim.

Quines preguntes volem saber dins l´àmbit científic?

Per què hi ha preguntes, que ningú m’ha contestat?

Per què no he insistit o buscat les respostes a les meves preguntes quan ja tenia el coneixement, la maduresa i la capacitat per a fer-ho?

Aquestes reflexions en veu alta, les hem aprofitat per fer un treball de recerca.

És de tothom sabut que contestar les preguntes de l’alumnat afavoreix enormement l’aprenentatge. Si la informació la busca un mateix, resta per sempre.

L’alumne és el centre d’aquest aprenentatge, el motor del seu propi creixement. Per això cal motivar-lo, fer-lo protagonista i fer-li creure que moltes de les respostes estan al seu abast, i depèn d’ell o ella esbrinar-ho. Només cal temps i esforç.

Cal potenciar i proposar reptes de millora per tal que esdevinguin éssers autònoms i crítics i posar-se a investigar com és el seu entorn, buscar les respostes i compartir-les, i així, poder actuar sobre aquest, amb la finalitat de fer un món més just i millor.



Per què el cel és blau?


Per què creix el cabell i es torna blanc?

Per què els avions no cauen?

etc …….


We ask ourselves questions, we look for the answers and we share them:

What questions do we want to know in the scientific field?

Why are there qüestions, that no one has answered me?

Why didn’t I insist or look for the answers to my questions when I already had the knowledge, maturity, and ability to do so?

We have used these reflections aloud to do research work.

It is well known that answering students’ questions greatly promotes learning.

The student is the center of this learning, the engine of his own growth. That’s why you need to motivate him, make him the protagonist, and make him believe that many of the answers are within his reach, and it’s up to him or her to figure it out. It only takes time and effort.

It is necessary to promote and propose challenges for improvement so that they become autonomous and critical beings and start researching what their environment is like, look for the answers and share them, and thus be able to act on it in order to make a better world. fair and better.

Why is the sky blue?

Why does hair grow and turn white?

Why don’t planes crash?

etc …….

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