My Balcony is my Little Forest – eTwinning Project

Students from 4th degree are participating in an eTwinning project with schools from other countries like Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Italy. The project is called “My Balcony is My Little Forest”  and it is very interesting. Our primary goal is to raise nature-friendly individuals who protect living beings and respect the life rights of other creatures.

During the project we have taken the responsibility of growing plants and observe their growth stages.  We have also made terrariums, spend a day in the nature  and drawn our favourite trees.

We have shared our  experiences and productions with the students from other countries and that was very motivating.

During the third term we will participate in more activities.

You can see the result of some of the activities in the following link:

Science in English

In the second term, the students from 5th and 6th grade have done a science unit in English.

The 5th grade students have learnt about the Solar System and in the PE classes we have acted out the Earth’s movements. With the 6th grade students, we have studied the Ecosystems and have carried out activities such as a mutual dictation or a dictogloss.

Click on the following picture for some photos about the activities.



English games in PE

In PE classes we play different games.

One of them it’s the double handkerchief which is a little bit different from the traditional handkerchief game.

We have made a video explaining the material we need, the place, the game’s development and how to play.

Click on the following video to watch it!!

                                                                                          By 6th grade journalists

The European day of languages comes to school

The 26th September we celebrated the day of European Languages at our school.

We decided a sentence to explain the different languages we have at school. The sentence was “We all speak different languages and we understand each other” and we wrote it in Italian, French, Romanian, Chinese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Spanish and Catalan.

The students from P4 to 5th grade came to see the mural and listened to our explanations.

Thank you for reading our article!

By students of 6th grade

Click on the picture to see the photos!

Our first English Day

On Friday 31st May the students from 5th grade went by bus to Mollerussa to celebrate the English day.

The objective of this day is to speak English and meet other students from El Pla d’Urgell.

We did different activities for example: scape park, karaoke, Q&A, painting t-shirts, play time, photocall, running dictation, pass the bomb/word, Pictionary…etc.

After the activities, we danced the song called” Can’t stop the feeling” and we watched a film.

The English Day was incredible!!

Here you can have a look at our photos.

By 5th grade students


What’s the Plurilingual Project for us?

The students of Cicle Superior have thought what is the new project started in our school this school year: the Plurilingual Project.

By doing a brainstorming, we looked for words related to it. You can find all these words in the mural created by using WordArt.

Here you are the result.

Com s’anomenen els polígons?

L’alumnat de 5è continuem treballant el polígons a l’àrea de matemàtiques. Després de descriure’ls, treballar amb el geogebra (TAC) i amb les eines de dibuix (regles, escaries, cartabons i compassos) ,hem decidit de classificar-los  fent un mural al passadís. D’aquesta manera, podrem compartir amb la resta de l’escola el que hem après. Tot i aprofitant que aquest curs a l’escola hem iniciat un projecte d’anglès, hem retolat el nom dels polígons en les 3 llengües que treballem (català, castellà i anglès).

Ens ha sorprès veure que els noms s’assemblen molt. Millor així seran més fàcils de recordar!!!!! 🙄

The 5th level students are working with polygons in maths. After describing them, working with geogebra (ICT) and drawing tools (rulers, squares, triangles and compasses), we have decided to classify them by making a mural in the corridor. In this way, we can share with the rest of the school what we have learned. As this school year we have started with the Plurilingual Project, we have marked all polygons in the 3 languages ​​we work (Catalan, Spanish and English). We were surprised to see that most of the names are really very similar. Better this way, they will be easier to remember !!!!!

Aquest és el nostre mural. This is our mural.