It’s riddles time!!!

As a final project for the unit Nature park, 3rd grade students have elaborated different posters with riddles about animals. They have described animals using the structures studied in class. For instance:

It’s got four legs.

It hasn’t got a long tail.

It can jump.

It can’t fly.

It’s green and red




4th grade students have created a mini book with the legend of Saint George and the dragon. They have learned about the legend and have created their own story. They have had fun!

Anem al teatre!

El dimarts 9 d’abril, les nenes i nens de cicle inicial, vam anar al teatre Bravium a veure l’obra de teatre en anglès: Cinderella. L’obra va estar molt entretinguda. Vam riure molt i ens ho vam passar genial cantant cançons i participant de l’espectacle. A més a més, ha estat una bona oportunitat per posar en pràctica l’anglès que aprenem a l’escola. It  was fantastic!